ステイシーパニックハーレム:私の数学の先生は変態です! Wiki
Run Away! It's the ステイシーパニックハーレム:私の数学の先生は変態です! Wiki!

ステイシーパニックハーレム:私の数学の先生は変態です!(Stacey Panic Harem: My Maths Teacher is a Pervert!) is a name I made up for a roleplay me and my friends do sometimes. This wiki exists to chronicle the episodes (play sessions), provide lore for the characters in the RP and to explain any obscure references to my friends. If I have sent you a link to this wiki as I wanted you to see it or you were part of the roleplay and I need you to fill something in, Welcome!, I hope you enjoy this abomination as much as i do. If you stumbled across this by complete accident, i am very, very sorry.

Mr Kisob (a middle aged black man with 2 pairs of glasses) tells the viewer to get off his "lawn"

Thought this part needed a little Keblazzledaz so I added this.


Like a certain anime/manga SPH is split into parts. Currently there exist 3 parts; Phantom maths teacher, Hacking tendency and Egg Crusaders. Maybe in a couple of weeks Part 4 will begin but this wiki will probably be abandoned by then so you'll never hear about it unless you are actually part of the RP.

Part 1: Phantom maths teacher

EpisodesP1 RobloxScreenShot20200505 160338555 (3) ReferencesP1 Screenshot (33) RefrencesP1
Episodes Characters References Locations Production

Part 2: Hacking Tendency

EpisodesP1 RobloxScreenShot20200505 160338555 (3) References P2 Screenshot (33) RefrencesP1
Episodes Characters References Locations Production

Part 3: Egg Crusaders

EpisodesP1 RobloxScreenShot20200505 160338555 (3) ReferencesP3 Screenshot (33) RefrencesP1
Episodes Characters References Locations Production

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